What is Rudy Day ? .....

I've always enjoyed Christmas. The decorations, the flurry and, of course, the real meaning but always felt let down on December 26. It was all over in a flash. All the planning and doing was gone in a minute. Finally I found the OC ...not the tv show but the Organized Christmas website which led to the Magical Holiday Home Forum. I don't even know how I found it but I did. And they had this wonderful thing called Rudolph Day....Rudy Day to most of us.....that lets you think, plan, dream about Christmas at least once a month on the 25th. And the best thing was I found more people out there just like me ! Crazy about all things Christmas. Well, almost obsessive. But to my family and friends that think I'm nuts half the time, I just want you to know there is no cure for it so don't try to find one. I wouldn't want the cure if you could find one anyway.
Christmas countdown banner

Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm dreaming of the next Rudy......... (insert music here)

So it's kind of - sort of halfway through the Rudy month. I did a little bit of Rudy this past weekend by going through all my quilt patterns and books. Really.....this is Rudy related. It's a big undertaking in itself. I had to sort through them all because I tend to like the same sort of style, patterns and designers. On numerous occasions I have bought the same pattern twice and even the same book once or twice. I guess I liked it so much I just had to get it again ! So I went through all the boxes and shelves and wrote down what I had. I had a list in an excel spread sheet and even printed it out but apparently I had not updated it lately. We are having a white elephant sale at our guild meeting tonight. Good place to get rid of my duplicates. Sure hope I don't pick up any more duplicates !

Back to Rudy... I decided to keep all the Christmas ones separate and put them in my Rudy Tote. So the next Rudy Day I can at least start one of the many cute Christmas quilt patterns I have been saving.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Here is a great picture of why I haven't been blogging or even on the internet in a while.......DH turned 50 last week. We had a big party for him this past Saturday at the house. His sister and her husband flew all the way in from Dallas. His BFF from high school drove 8 hours to be here. It was wonderful.

But first thing that morning, he had a Richard Petty Driving Experience at Lowes Motor Speedway. I couldn't tell you the last time I saw him grin like that. He was acting 10 years old again. Did I mention it was 100 degrees out at the track while he was racing?