May Rudy Day was on Memorial Day. I remember I was busy that day but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. Must have been a "senior" moment!
I had to work today but that didn't stop me from having a mini Rudy Day. I googled for free Christmas movies on-line and hit the motherload (sorry, don't have the website saved here at the house). I watched the "Grinch", "Frosty", an old Sherlock Holmes movie set during Christmas, Bing and Bowie's famous duet of Drummer Boy, Karen Carpenter's "Merry Christmas, darling" among other clips and shows.
I had hot chocolate at work that was oh, so yummy. I work with all boys and it is so cold in there.
I also FINALLY put all my digital Christmas pictures from this past year in the same place. I have a habit of having copies of everything everywhere. So I organized them by year and copied 2008 to my flash drive. I need to take them to get prints made to put in my notebook.
This is what I had scheduled for this month from last year's TO DO list. Since it is going to be so hot here this weekend, I think I will get the prints made tomorrow and work on the notebook and craft ideas on Saturday.
June is Decorating Month
*go through each room's pictures from last year and see what's needed for each room
*update decorating section of the Christmas notebook
*make shopping list for crafts and room decorations
Hope you all had a great Rudy's Day and hopefully it is spilling over to this weekend!