What is Rudy Day ? .....

I've always enjoyed Christmas. The decorations, the flurry and, of course, the real meaning but always felt let down on December 26. It was all over in a flash. All the planning and doing was gone in a minute. Finally I found the OC ...not the tv show but the Organized Christmas website which led to the Magical Holiday Home Forum. I don't even know how I found it but I did. And they had this wonderful thing called Rudolph Day....Rudy Day to most of us.....that lets you think, plan, dream about Christmas at least once a month on the 25th. And the best thing was I found more people out there just like me ! Crazy about all things Christmas. Well, almost obsessive. But to my family and friends that think I'm nuts half the time, I just want you to know there is no cure for it so don't try to find one. I wouldn't want the cure if you could find one anyway.
Christmas countdown banner

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What too much planning will do........

I changed up the colors of my living room Christmas decorations two years ago. We had the others for more than 10 years and I was ready for a change. You can really see a difference between when the lights are on and off on the tree. I thought I had enough ornaments on the tree until I turned the lights off. See how dull it looks.

And with the lights on it is so much nicer.

But I still think I planned it too much to the point that it looks boring. My goal this year is to buy different types of ornaments but stick with the three colors......grinch green, red and pearl. I'm more of a primitive person, too. And this looks like it is going too much in a sophisticated direction. So I think we will be adding some more prim. Any suggestions?

Blessings, Cathi


The Old Parsonage said...

I love it, but I can really see the difference between the lights on and off. What about real or fake popcorn and cranberry garlands? That would add a more primitive feel.
Is your tree up, or is this a photo from last year? I have that Longaberger basket too!

Shakerwood said...

That is last year's pictures. I don't put Christmas up until after Thanksgiving. Just a principal thing with me. We used to do real popcorn and cranberry garlands. I think we may start that again this year.