What is Rudy Day ? .....

I've always enjoyed Christmas. The decorations, the flurry and, of course, the real meaning but always felt let down on December 26. It was all over in a flash. All the planning and doing was gone in a minute. Finally I found the OC ...not the tv show but the Organized Christmas website which led to the Magical Holiday Home Forum. I don't even know how I found it but I did. And they had this wonderful thing called Rudolph Day....Rudy Day to most of us.....that lets you think, plan, dream about Christmas at least once a month on the 25th. And the best thing was I found more people out there just like me ! Crazy about all things Christmas. Well, almost obsessive. But to my family and friends that think I'm nuts half the time, I just want you to know there is no cure for it so don't try to find one. I wouldn't want the cure if you could find one anyway.
Christmas countdown banner

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

On the First Day of Christmas.....

This past Christmas I tried out a new tradition with my family. I had blogged about it on my other blog but didn't mention it on this one. Silly me!

I wanted to do something that would extend the holidays a little longer. All of my children are adults now (at least chronologically-speaking) so sometimes doing cutesy things doesn't work so well with them.

So I decided the Twelve Days of Christmas would be perfect. Every day from December 26 until January 6th, I gave each of the 4 quasi-adults and Dear Hubby a gift. If you do the math, that is 60 gifts! Good thing I started collecting gifts back last July. Some were only a $1 at the Dollar spot section of Target.....some were as much as $5.00 ($5.00 DVDs at Wal-Mart are great).

Each gift was put in a white lunch sack with a note stapled to the front about a different meaning for each day. Something I got off the internet. Each bag was stamped with their initial and a star(s) for whatever numbers of days it was (bad english, I know....can't help it).

I had a lot of fun collecting the goodies. Suprisingly, everyone really enjoyed it. Even the boys! Dear Son #1 went back to his home with all 12 bags in tow and told me he did not cheat by opening all of them at once.

And the best surprise was.....after Dear Hubby learned what I was doing, he went out and quickly bought 12 little gifts for me so I would have something to open, too. Isn't he just the sweetest guy? He didn't exactly go by the rules. Most of his gifts couldn't fit in the white lunch bags.

This year I hope to do the same thing but I'm going to really put my thinking cap on to come up with a different way to present them. Gotta mix it up!


Living A Angelic Life said...

this is a great idea !

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I love anything that makes Christmas more family-feeling!

Ali aka Merry Sage@MHH

The Old Parsonage said...

I meant to ask you last year, but never got around to it, but can you tell me a few of the items that you gave them. I love this idea!


Printersdevil said...

I think that I like this idea more than the Advent Calendars. I am like you and feel so let down when Christmas is over.

I am going to put on my thinking cap and see if I can come up with something for both---not necessarily along gift lines. That would be too much, but maybe memories in story form or something for the days after Christmas or even for the Advent Calendar.