What is Rudy Day ? .....

I've always enjoyed Christmas. The decorations, the flurry and, of course, the real meaning but always felt let down on December 26. It was all over in a flash. All the planning and doing was gone in a minute. Finally I found the OC ...not the tv show but the Organized Christmas website which led to the Magical Holiday Home Forum. I don't even know how I found it but I did. And they had this wonderful thing called Rudolph Day....Rudy Day to most of us.....that lets you think, plan, dream about Christmas at least once a month on the 25th. And the best thing was I found more people out there just like me ! Crazy about all things Christmas. Well, almost obsessive. But to my family and friends that think I'm nuts half the time, I just want you to know there is no cure for it so don't try to find one. I wouldn't want the cure if you could find one anyway.
Christmas countdown banner

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wow, It's been a while . . . . .

since I posted on this blog.   Right after my last post, I was laid off from my work after 23 years.  Needless to say, I was a little bummed for a while.  Okay for a long while.  But I am much better now.  If you follow my other blog, Shakerwood Primitives, you know what I have been up to.

But with only 7 months left until Christmas, I really need to head things up into high gear.

I missed Rudy Day this month and can't make it up with only a few days left.  BUT I have big plans for June and July including a Christmas in July party.  I may have to make it an on-line Christmas in July party !!  

Anyone game ?

Blessings, Cathi


SeaRune said...

I can understand feeling like that. For me it was a couple deaths in the family, Christmas, a couple birthdays and a breakup with my now ex. So trying to get in the spirit has been long and hard but we're getting there! :) Look forward to more posts on your blog. :)

Simple Home said...

I'm glad you're back here. I'll look forward to what you have to show for June and July.

The Old Parsonage said...

Hi Cathi

Love the little projects. And you know that I'm always up for a party!

Enjoy the weekend!