What is Rudy Day ? .....

I've always enjoyed Christmas. The decorations, the flurry and, of course, the real meaning but always felt let down on December 26. It was all over in a flash. All the planning and doing was gone in a minute. Finally I found the OC ...not the tv show but the Organized Christmas website which led to the Magical Holiday Home Forum. I don't even know how I found it but I did. And they had this wonderful thing called Rudolph Day....Rudy Day to most of us.....that lets you think, plan, dream about Christmas at least once a month on the 25th. And the best thing was I found more people out there just like me ! Crazy about all things Christmas. Well, almost obsessive. But to my family and friends that think I'm nuts half the time, I just want you to know there is no cure for it so don't try to find one. I wouldn't want the cure if you could find one anyway.
Christmas countdown banner

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Notebook

One of the reasons for starting a blog was I HAD to show off my Christmas notebook cover. It's taken over a year to complete it. I started with a 2" 3-ring binder that I covered with a great Waverly fabric. It stayed that way until this past January. Sometimes I have to let things sit for a while and stare at me while I stare at them. Then one day a light bulb will come on and I'll know how to finish them but, boy, it sure can be frustrating waiting for that darn light bulb to come on.

The Santa picture I got off the internet and changed in Word to shades of red (it was a regular picture with a gazillion colors when I found it). It's printed on cardstock and sewn straight on the cover. The HO HO HO is metal from the scrapbook section of a local store. The rest is sewn on fabric and the text run through the printer on muslin.

These two pictures are of the section dividers. I made them in Publisher, printed them out and pasted them on pretty scrapbook paper. They always look better in person. But all the section covers look like the one on the left.


Ginger said...

Your notebook is fabulous!!!

The Old Parsonage said...

Gorgeous! I love it. I don't have a digital camera YET (I keep giving hints), but will post my notebook when I finally get one.

Anonymous said...

Love your notebook. The graphics on the front cover are wonderful.